Saturday, May 29, 2010

Scrapping of old shoes

Cologne - The old car in the junkyard, 2500 € bonus cash for new cars: The scrapping premium is on everyone's lips. But the magic formula "From make old new" is not just for cars.
Also for used electrical and kitchen equipment, clothes and even shoes are in some scrapping Cologne stores. Resourceful bargain hunter here for the discarded toasters and other everyday objects vouchers or subsidies for the purchase of new goods.
In the hunt for the so-called experts recommend scrapping deals though caution. "On the Run has scheduled a premium car. Retailers from other sectors use the slogan as a marketing tool, therefore. I advise to review the offers carefully, for example through price comparison services on the Internet, "said George Tryba from the Consumer NRW.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

EXPRESS reorder

EXPRESS missed? You want to re-order a copy? Now the problem is no more. Because now you can EXPRESS Cologne, Dusseldorf EXPRESS and EXPRESS-Bonn and the Sunday Express comfortably re-orders via the Internet. We can provide you with the expenses of the last three months.
How? Simply fill out our order form (see link below) and already is the EXPRESS mail on its way to you - for € 0.60 or € 1.00 per copy plus postage.
Important: Please note that the shipping is only possible within Germany. You are looking for an issue that is older than 2 years? Then you can possibly help the private archive of Pin-Up. Phone 0221-123 714, Fax 0221-13 90 737.Hier order online spending EXPRESS

Monday, May 17, 2010

FC superstar Petit - a double broken ribs!

Cologne - Oops! Shock diagnosis for Portugal star Petit (32)! The FC strategist suffered in a 1-0 victory in Hamburg a double broken ribs!
The X-ray revealed on Monday at the Media Park clinic.
"I had ever had a broken rib. At that time, but the pain was much stronger and I almost choked, "said a surprised Petit after diagnosis for EXPRESS.
 In the northern bank arena he had collapsed after a clash on the touchline and was treated for several minutes. The HSV-Fans suspected acting. But the pain was real. The season is over for the happy nature of course. Six weeks off - so the prognosis of the physicians.
Besides Milivoje Novakovic, who will undergo surgery on Wednesday in Munich-Bogenhausen at the bar for the last home game of the season against Bochum that falls from the second kölsche top star.
More FC-game: How the FC-Stars celebrated the win> against vulgarity injured Petit> 1:0! Ehret DJ rocks the HSV>
Also of Interest
Here Petit carried from the field

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Clawing Wolfsburg, Bremen's Schaaf now?

Cologne - Felix Magath has triggered strong with his move to Schalke 04> Trainerkarussell. Whoever gets the chair on the sidelines of the Wolfsburg? With Christoph Daum was the first serious candidate has jumped.
The profile for the Magath's successor has been defined in any case, the FC-bosses: a German coach, who is however still under contract at another club! And then suddenly comes Bremen's Thomas Schaaf (48) into the race. Saturday is the day exactly a decade head coach of the Weser. At the time, he twice won the DFB Cup and once the championship trophy to SV Werder. This month, he reaches for UEFA Cup and Cup. Will it be his farewell songs?
Everything is possible in this crazy Bundesliga. According EXPRESS information has an initial feelers from Wolfsburg in sheep given bosses - without result. And one thing is clear: The fact that there is still no clarity is an indication that the "unemployed" as is Armin Veh or Mirko Slomka is not the first choice.
Then there is former Madrid coach Bernd Schuster. Operation brought about especially by Wolfsburg's vice chairman Javier Garcia Sanz into the conversation. Schuster, too, was already a few years ago on the wish list for the Bundesliga. After a meeting with former Wolves manager Thomas Strunz, VfL but received a rejection.
Read also: why Magath has had enough of VfL> Wolfsburg knocking at Daum at> all want the paper ball - Zig deals on eBay> Werder in the final - a decision paper ball game>

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Eifel-Dolly waits for summer fairy tale

Cologne - When balls get Eifel Dolly aka Gabriela Castro (ageless), shiny eyes. Especially if they balls in the hands of Jens Lehmann thinks. "He is a gentleman and keep a solid life. That impresses me. Jens Lehmann is a decent man by the way of life and achieving good performance in goal, "says the Dolly Buster Double in Euskirchen.
Their curvy outfits, the EM has been trained beauty therapist at hand - kurzknappe shorts and "My balls just keep Lehmann-shirt for leisure, black-red-gold, even sewn sequined dress for gala evenings. Eifel-Dolly wants to become the EM-Sissi.
"I am already booked for a couple of events. But it would be my dream, Lehmann handed the trophy in Austria, "enthuses the passionate soccer girlfriend:" Black, red and gold slippers and sweatpants to wear others. That's nothing for me. But I definitely gucke all Germany games. "
But Gabriela aka Dolly is more than curves: "I am a versatile person, I'm fickle. Normalos we have enough. "Adilettenträger for that matter. Eifel-Dolly aka EM-Sissi is confident of himself: "I feel for the ball." We see ...