Wednesday, June 16, 2010

1335 candidates for election

Dusseldorf - Exactly 1335 candidates are in the local elections on Sunday at the 82 Council mandates and around the 190 seats in the ten district councils.
To select 460 687 people are called. The polling stations are open from 8 to 18 clock.
There was no significant increase over the last local election there in the postal ballot: The election office has processed about 54,000 requests until Friday - that's 2500 more than the election in 2004.
Election results can be found on Sunday from 18 clock HERE! >

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Man trapped in car

Hennef-Stein -
The 70-year-old senior from Rommerskirchen had traveled as a driving instructor insurance expert meeting to Hennef-Blankenberg.
After the event he got into his black VW Passat, but his goal he never reached. On an incline just past Blankenberg the man suddenly loses control of his cars
The dark Passat moved to a left turn without brakes on the opposite lane and rammed the guardrail to the left of the track. Several motorists are trying to help the unconscious, but they must give up in frustration: the driver's door is blocked by the guard rail, the other locked doors. Anxious minutes pass: Only when the police arrive, it is possible to open the car doors.
Officials there can already perceive no pulse and no breathing more, begin immediately with resuscitation until the arrival of the emergency services. However, despite all efforts - after half an hour, an emergency physician to determine only the death of the man.
Because of witness statements and the track position is the police believe that the senior, who wanted to undergo a vascular surgery next week, suffered a heart attack, and therefore went into the guard rail. The K19 was blocked for nearly two hours.

Friday, June 4, 2010

No fresh water for the Rheinaue Park Lake

Bonn - Since the city does ever loose 290.000 euro - and now they can not spend the money.
Actually it should be financed by a pumping station that supplies the lake with fresh water floodplains.
For year after year turns the waters around the middle of the popular amusement park. Why not use water from the sophisticated cooling system of the post-Towers for the lake, wondering when the CDU, Wolfgang Maiwaldt councilman.
The Post uses water from Rheinuferfiltrat in order to cool their tower. Then the 468 000 liters of land only in their own post-lake ", later in the Rhine. Maiwaldt idea: via a pump would subtract water for floodplains Lake. And the Post played with kindly.
But now proposes Bernhard Wimmer, OB-candidate of the Citizens Federal Bonn (BBB), alarm: "The dream of the floodplains of Lake finally be able to supply this summer with plenty of fresh water, has unfortunately faded away. The administration is in spite of the construction project, existing financial resources no longer be sufficient time to implement before the summer. "
Nanu? What's wrong? Thomas Bockel by Press Office: "The office is responsible of us unfortunately insolvent. Therefore, the realization of the project in 2009 is actually at risk. "Pity. Not only that, the lake will turn almost certainly again this year in a cloudy broth. The city could also save money. € 25,000 it costs each year to replenish the lake with fresh water floodplains.